The monthly update for Dashing Hounds is coming a few days early so I can bring you details of a fantastic competition they are having with Triumph & Disaster. I spoke to menswear stylist Caz from Dashing Hounds today to give you more details.
TMHS: You have a great competition on Instagram at the moment with Triumph & Disaster. Can you tell me more about this?
CL: So, my good friends at Triumph and Disaster, a New Zealand brand of gentleman’s all-natural grooming products, have been kind enough to give away a range of their fabulous products, valued at $189. All you need to do is three steps:
1. Repost the competition image on Instagram (take a screen grab)
2. Hash tag #dashingdisaster
3. Follow @dashinghounds and @triumphanddisaster
TMHS: What is it you love about the products at Triumph & Disaster?
CL: The entire range is 100% all natural products, made in New Zealand and Australia. Not only this, they are actually exceptional products. Even though they are male products, I started using them 3 months ago. I am addicted to using the daily moisturiser, suicide face scrub and the ritual facial cleaner. Also, the branding is strong and masculine, which is appealing to a lot of my Dashing Hounds clients.
TMHS: Where can we find out more about Triumph & Disaster online?
CL: Go to
* The #dashingdisaster Instagram competition is open to Australia & NZ residents and closes 3rd March, 2014.
* Triumph & Disaster photos by Luke Lockwood
** Be sure you are following @themanhasstyle also on all social media including Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. There is always something happening!
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