The Man Has Style is Back!
You may have noticed it has been a tad quiet at The Man Has Style, on the blog, even on social media over the past few months. I even had someone ask me if I was still working on TMHS. The answer was yes! Simply behind the scenes. After attending London Collections: Men in June, I took a step back to reflect on why I was writing, not just from the perspective of the content, but what did I want to do with it? Was I still writing from the soul and giving every ounce of my design inspiration voice to each piece?
LCM was a spectacular experience for me. I made the decision to only attend a handful of shows and was very select about what I would spend my time on. Whilst in London, I met with many of the people who had inspired me over the years and it was such a big reminder of why I started TMHS. I remember when I started writing about menswear back at the beginning of 2012, after over 10 years as a designer. I wrote for myself, for the love of what I was seeing, the emotion I would feel when I was around exceptional design and quality craftsmanship. The conversations with others who had this same passion for design and how it draws from the heart.
I decided to take a step back and look at what it was that was giving me that light for writing and to do this I looked to the past. I read over the posts from the very first post in 2012, most of all, I read the interviews. What a wonderful time it was to reflect on this time and take moments to feel somewhat proud I had written all of this not for money or recognition, purely for the love of design and the passion that goes into exceptional design. The people, the creators, the ones who dedicate themselves to their love.
It was time to give the website a fresh look, get back to interviewing regularly again and doing what it was I love, sharing my inspiration in men’s design. This look back has allowed me to look to the future with fresh eyes and a clear mind.
If you haven’t already signed up to receive the newsletters, please do, you won’t want to miss the interviews coming up, it’s going to be an exciting 2016!
Words by Sarah Crawford, Founder & Editor.
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