What an exciting time it was for The Man Has Style at London Collections: Men. Our official photographer, Melissa Uren was on hand to capture some of the moments that further our love of menswear. While there is so much to cover with an event such as LCM there are particular elements that impress outside of the presentations of the collections. When the photos came through from Melissa of David Gandy and the spectacular 1955 Mercedes-Benz 300SL Gullwing Coupé, I must say, I didn’t know which I wanted to talk about more… the car, what Mr Gandy was wearing or the fact he looks amazing in every photo. There’s a reason this man is at the top of his field!
What can I say about the car? Where do I start? I have looked through dreamy eyes at the beauty in the design and my romantic mind has imagined me owning such a beautiful mode of transport so many times over the years that sometimes it does feel like it is part of my future. The photos speak a thousand words… so many wonderful words! Enjoy!

David Gandy by Melissa Uren for The Man Has Style at London Collections: Men. Getting in and out of the Gullwing is an art in itself!

David Gandy in a 1955 Mercedes-Benz 300SL Gullwing Coupé by Melissa Uren for The Man Has Style at London Collections: Men
All photographs by Melissa Uren for The Man Has Style at London Collections: Men.
Follow Melissa on Instagram: @melissaurenphotography
Words by Sarah Crawford, Editor – The Man Has Style
Follow The Man Has Style on Instagram: @themanhasstyle
For all editorial enquiries contact sarah@themanhasstyle.com
June 21, 2014
Awesome ride. Nice David Gandy!!