Style Icon: Gregory Peck

A Gentleman Named Mr Peck

For anyone who knows me well, you have probably heard me talk of my obsession with the story To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. I read the novel when I was in school and this led me to the film with the wonderful Gregory Peck. I loved his character Atticus Finch, and he was brilliant in this movie. Even to this day you can find numerous copies of the book in my home. If I see one with a different cover I don’t have already, I add it to my little collection.

Gregory Peck reading Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird

Gregory Peck reading Harper Lee’s, To Kill A Mockingbird

So, my love of Gregory Peck in To Kill A Mockingbird really catapulted him to a favourite of mine. Someone I looked to for inspiration and us such, had to see more of his films and well, just know more in general. Roman Holiday (1953), kept my interest with his role alongside Audrey Hepburn. He had a way of always looking so distinguished and gentlemanly. Not just in his films but in everything I found of him. How wonderful he was in 1947 in The Paradine Case and also Gentleman’s Agreement. I could keep going however, I’ll leave you with some images that show why I appreciate looking back at the style of Mr Gregory Peck.

Gregory Peck on set of The Paradine Case

Gregory Peck on set of The Paradine Case

Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday

Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday (1953)

A young Gregory Peck by John Engstead

A young Gregory Peck | Photo by John Engstead

Gregory Peck with his son

Gregory Peck with his son

Gregory Peck

Gregory Peck

Gregory Peck

Gregory Peck

Gregory Peck

Gregory Peck

Gregory Peck

Gregory Peck

Gregory Peck

Gregory Peck

Words by Sarah Crawford, Editor, The Man Has Style

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  • Tintorera
    January 30, 2015

    Reblogged this on Tintorera.

  • Felonious Funk
    February 21, 2023

    My favorite actor, by far, because he was basically the same as his onscreen persona. He really was Atticus Finch.

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